Service Info

A primary care physician is a specialist in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine or Pediatrics who provides definitive care to the undifferentiated patient at the point of first contact, and takes continuing responsibility for providing the patient’s comprehensive care. This care may include chronic, preventive and acute care in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Our team of Board Certified physicians will provide the best service available to our community.

Symptoms & Diagnosis

Our team of friendly physicians will help with health promotion, disease prevention, health maintenance, counseling, patient education, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses in a variety of health care settings (e.g., office, urgent care, long-term care, home care, etc.). Our team of personal physician often collaborate with other health professionals, to utilizing consultation or referral as appropriate. Our team will provide patients advocacy in the health care system to accomplish cost-effective care by coordination of health care services. Our team will promote effective communication with patients and encourages the role of the patient as a partner in health care.

  • Quick diagnosis
  • Complex medical tests
  • Early identification and intervention
  • Complex surgical interventions
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Family Physicians
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Womens Health Services
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Traumotology Department
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Cardiology Department

Appointment Scheduling

209 358 5611

Your treatment plan is designed for steady progress, with every phase promptly implemented.

Your Health, Your Choice

The type of physician you choose for your primary care depends on several factors, including your age, gender, overall health and family history of disease. Atwater Medical Group offers access to board-certified primary care providers with extensive training in all areas of primary care

People Say

Once I saw my doctor I knew this was the right place for me.
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